Illustration © Nikki McClure



GLU (Magazine)



Girls Like Us (GLU) magazine was founded by Jessica Gysel and Kathrin Hero in 2005.

It was created as an antidote to the vanilla representation of contemporary lesbian culture: where's the fun, the wink, the subversiveness and the class? The magazine is made in Amsterdam, published in New York and available in the bigger cities worldwide.


Emma (Magazine)



Since their first appearance on 26 January 1977 is more than just a magazine EMMA: It is the best friend of her readers, a national women's information bureau, and - a synonym for the cause. The cause of women. Just a few weeks after the appearance of Power Girl got the nickname of "Emma") misses (or "Alice", according to the EMMA-founder.

EMMA has not only broken taboos and over again, it has also made policy. By not only informed and argued, but, if necessary, act, too. EMMA-initiated inter alia:

In 1977 the first protests against Clitoris mutilation


Uplift (E-Zine, Magazine)


United Kingdom

Uplift is a non profit making, independent women’s online magazine which acts as a place to showcase many women’s voices.

Uplift exists as an alternative to all the women’s magazines out there that put down and patronise. We want to show women that they’re not alone if they find features such as ‘the starvation tips of top models’ mind numbing. Uplift encourages intelligent engagement with the pop culture that surrounds us and offers women a platform to have their say, share ideas and get creative. All opinions expressed within Uplift are those of the individual authors.


Vi som aldrig sa sexist: Normen styr inte dig - du styr normen (Blog)



Vi som aldrig sa sexist är en diskussions-/dialogblogg vars huvudsakliga fokus är frågeställningar som rör normer, relationer och genus. Projektet är en vidareutveckling av de så kallade feministfrukostmötena på Café Edenborg hösten 2007. Vi skriver för att synliggöra, problematisera och stegvis närma oss hållbara strategier för att leva med normer, relationer och genus, eftersom ett med alltid förutsätter ett mot.


Isis International Bulletin (1976-1983)



The story begins with a group of inspired feminists, many brilliant ideas and a good typewriter to put them together with... From the setting up of a feminist information and communications collective in 1974, to the first published bulletin that Isis put out in 1976, and all the way through to the present, Isis has been blessed with the courage, creativity and vision of the many women who committed to realising the organisation's vision for social transformation and women's empowerment.


Hardqueer (Blog)



Ett intersektionellt icke-nätverk med rosa drömmar och hårda nävar. (An intersectional non-network with pink dreams and hard fists.)


FoFF - Forum for Feminist Parents (Sweden)



Här kan du informera om feminism och föräldraskap, du kan läsa nyheter om Foff, diskutera på e-postlistan, och agera för förändring i lokala föreningar och arbetsgrupper.


Tema Flickrum (Blog)



Feministisk blogg rörande kulturyttringar, med ögat riktat mot feminitet och maskulinitet.

I kortare essäform diskuteras feminitet och maskulinitet, inte sällan relaterat till kulturella företeelser.


Charlie Little (Blog)


United Kingdom

Charlie is lots of things- a lesbian, radical feminist, anarchist, working class (origin) and a northerner…

Charlie is not queer, a femme, a ‘woman’, an indiscriminate man hater (I just don’t like men who are sexist which means most of them), a student, a socialist, pro-censorship or anti-censorship nor do I live anywhere near London.


Navigating the Space between Brilliance and Madness: A Reader and Roadmap of bipolar worlds


United States

This little book emerged from the stories of the many amazing members of The Icarus Project. We assembled the beautiful and jagged pieces of our collective experience, the lessons and the scars, to create an atlas of alternative maps to the particular breed of madness that gets called bipolar, and the ways people are making it through.