All-European Autonomous Feminist Womyn's Gathering
April 9 - 14, 2009
Vienna, Austria
What we want from this gathering
As a continuation of the all-European Womyn’s Gathering which took place at Freiburg/Germany at the turn of the years 2007/2008 we are organising this follow-up gathering. We want to meet feminist women and lesbians from different countries who are involved in struggles against sexism, racism, homophobia, capitalism, fascism and patriarchy. We want to have an exchange on radical-feminist theory and practices and discuss perspectives and possibilities of action. At the same time we want to pass on and extend our practical knowledge in workshops and carry out actions on-site.
The gathering is self-organised
All participants are asked to contribute actively. This can happen in different ways: by preparing workshops, actions and discussions, by sharing our knowledge, by taking part in discussions, translating, cooking, cleaning etc. Self-organisation means that we as women take herstory into our own hands to bring about solidarity, freedom and justice for women. Self-organisation also means that we create structures on both the small and the large scales, which each of use can help to shape. And self-organisation means that we are sharing the work that has to be done for organising our everyday lives.
Who is organising the gathering?
We are an organisational group of feminists and mostly lesbians who are active in Women/Lesbian contexts and some of us also in mixed groups. We come from different backgrounds as far as our political experience, life and work contexts and ages are concerned. What we share is our understanding of ourselves as parts of the autonomous women’s movement and our considering an independent and separate organisation of women as an indispensable feminist necessity. The independent organisation of women is a political expression of and means of struggle towards the subjectivity of women and again and again an important source of inspiration for our feminist analyses and feminist resistance. And it is a practice shaping our relationships to each other as women. At the same time we consider the exchange with the protagonists of other feminist approaches and forms of organisation as important.