Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Title Topic Post datesort icon People Type of project Type
Hoopla: A radical craft zine. An email interview with Rayna aka Kakariki, originally from Aotearoa, New Zealand but now living in Melbourne, Australia Do-It-Yourself 2008 Interview
Hoopla: A radical craft zine. An email interview with Rayna aka Kakariki, originally from Aotearoa, New Zealand but now living in Melbourne, Australia Activism 2008 Interview
Hoopla: A radical craft zine. An email interview with Rayna aka Kakariki, originally from Aotearoa, New Zealand but now living in Melbourne, Australia Zines 2008 Interview
“Ladyfest: Sisters instead of rivals”: An email interview with Carr from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Sisters instead of rivals”: An email interview with Carr from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: I need to feel friction in the activism I do”. An email interview with Debi from Bristol, UK Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: I need to feel friction in the activism I do”. An email interview with Debi from Bristol, UK Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: The ideas we want in a festival”. An interview with Fege from Pavia, Italy. Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: The ideas we want in a festival”. An interview with Fege from Pavia, Italy. Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
"New Kids on the Block: Performing as a Boy Band at Ladyfest". An interview with Tina and Melita at Ladyfest Amsterdam Queer feminism 2009 Interview
"New Kids on the Block: Performing as a Boy Band at Ladyfest". An interview with Tina and Melita at Ladyfest Amsterdam Ladyfest 2009 Interview
"New Kids on the Block: Performing as a Boy Band at Ladyfest". An interview with Tina and Melita at Ladyfest Amsterdam Do-It-Yourself 2009 Interview
"New Kids on the Block: Performing as a Boy Band at Ladyfest". An interview with Tina and Melita at Ladyfest Amsterdam Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest as a ‘now’ kind of action”. An email interview with Melanie Maddison from Leeds, UK. Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest as a ‘now’ kind of action”. An email interview with Melanie Maddison from Leeds, UK. Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest is something anyone can do”. An email interview with Nina from Hasselt, Belgium. Riot Grrrl 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest is something anyone can do”. An email interview with Nina from Hasselt, Belgium. Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest is something anyone can do”. An email interview with Nina from Hasselt, Belgium. Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
Tenacious: Art and Writing from Women in Prison. An interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Prisoner Support 2009 Interview
Tenacious: Art and Writing from Women in Prison. An interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Zines 2009 Interview
Tenacious: Art and Writing from Women in Prison. An interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Zine 2009 Interview
Mama Sez No War. An email interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Activism 2009 Interview
Mama Sez No War. An email interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Zines 2009 Interview
Mama Sez No War. An email interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Parenting & motherhood 2009 Interview
Mama Sez No War. An email interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Peace 2009 Interview
Mama Sez No War. An email interview with Vikki Law from New York, United States Zine 2009 Interview
Morgenmuffel. An email interview with Isy from Brighton, UK Zine 2009 Interview
Morgenmuffel. An email interview with Isy from Brighton, UK Zines 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: We need to rip it up and start again”. An email interview with Terese from London, UK Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: We need to rip it up and start again”. An email interview with Terese from London, UK Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Play if you feel like it, not for the money”: An email interview with Melissa from Auckland, New Zealand. Race & ethnicity 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Play if you feel like it, not for the money”: An email interview with Melissa from Auckland, New Zealand. Queer feminism 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Play if you feel like it, not for the money”: An email interview with Melissa from Auckland, New Zealand. Ladyfest 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Play if you feel like it, not for the money”: An email interview with Melissa from Auckland, New Zealand. Do-It-Yourself 2009 Interview
“Ladyfest: Play if you feel like it, not for the money”: An email interview with Melissa from Auckland, New Zealand. Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
Fempunk Zine & Ladyfest Spain: An interview with Mabel and Maria from Madrid, Spain Zine 2009 Interview
Fempunk Zine & Ladyfest Spain: An interview with Mabel and Maria from Madrid, Spain Riot Grrrl 2009 Interview
Fempunk Zine & Ladyfest Spain: An interview with Mabel and Maria from Madrid, Spain Ladyfest 2009 Interview
Fempunk Zine & Ladyfest Spain: An interview with Mabel and Maria from Madrid, Spain Festivals: Ladyfest and Queer-Feminist 2009 Interview
"Fake it till you make it". An email interview with Karolina Bång from Malmö, Sweden Zine 2009 Interview
"Fake it till you make it". An email interview with Karolina Bång from Malmö, Sweden Sex and sexualities 2009 Interview
"Fake it till you make it". An email interview with Karolina Bång from Malmö, Sweden Queer feminism 2009 Interview
"Fake it till you make it". An email interview with Karolina Bång from Malmö, Sweden Grassroots media in Europe 2009 Interview
"Fake it till you make it". An email interview with Karolina Bång from Malmö, Sweden Zines 2009 Interview
"Taking up Deserved Space". An email interview with MissTer Scratch from London, UK Sex and sexualities 2009 Interview
"Taking up Deserved Space". An email interview with MissTer Scratch from London, UK Race & ethnicity 2009 Interview
"Taking up Deserved Space". An email interview with MissTer Scratch from London, UK LGBT and queer issues 2009 Interview
"Taking up Deserved Space". An email interview with MissTer Scratch from London, UK Grassroots media in Europe 2009 Interview
"Taking up Deserved Space". An email interview with MissTer Scratch from London, UK Zines 2009 Interview
"Gender trouble/fun". An email interview with Trouble X, from Germany Zine 2009 Interview