Illustration © Nikki McClure

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AnyBody is a group of women and men from psychotherapy, media, fashion, law, art, research and academia, which was founded as a not-for-profit limited company in 2003; self-description: "A website giving women a voice to challenge the limited physical representations of females in contemporary society (Age. Beauty, Size, Race, Diet, Cosmetics, Body literacy and you)"; emphasis on body politics and representations of the (female) body in contemporary popular culture and media; more links to websites about this topic!!


Who Are We ?
AnyBody is a group of women and men from psychotherapy, media, fashion, law, art, research and academia, which was founded as a not-for-profit limited company in 2003.

What is the problem?
We are committed to encouraging a change in cultural attitudes towards bodies, food and eating so that women and children of the next generation can learn to be happy in and look after their bodies.

We challenge the distorted and tyrannical grip that the fashion and diet industry have on the health of our minds as well as our bodies.

We ask the government to take an honest look at what influences individuals' health behaviour and to support realistic programmes to bring about change to tackle issues such as obesity.

How are we going to bring about change?
AnyBody Ltd works in synergy with related champion initiatives and organisations, encouraging ‘joined-up thinking’ in political and commercial environments.

This ranges from taking part and organising parliamentary committees, forums and public conferences to introducing new research and advertising initiatives.

AnyBody confronts and challenges those organisations and industries that profit from exploiting body distress. We seek to stop the deadly messages currently delivered to children, to young women and to parents.

AnyBody coordinates: in-house education, advertising and consultation for (and in some cases, prosecution of) responsible organisations; public awareness-raising; and tailored support for vulnerable recipients of these messages, such as young mothers and obese children.

AnyBody’s projects range from awareness-raising and educating to political advising.

AnyBody is and is for… anybody.


United Kingdom
Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
AnyBody Ltd
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
2006 - now
Language of project: 
Copyright reserved
Grassroots media in Europe
Representation of women
beauty myths