Illustration © Nikki McClure

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BUILDING A TRANSNATIONAL FEMINIST COMMUNITY TOWARDS A PARTICIPATORY CULTURE AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: This is our aim! To do so, please upload your projects, interviews you have done, resources you find interesting and join the grassroots feminist community! If you have questions, please email me (Elke Zobl) at elke.zobl(at)
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Ladyfest Tampere, Finland 2008


61° 29' 52.8828" N, 23° 45' 53.4924" E

D.I.Y-festivaali: musiikkia, työryhmiä, taidetta, ruokaa, elokuvia, distroja, iloa, voimaa ja rohkeutta!

Mikä on Ladyfest?


Ladyfest Turku, Finland 2007


60° 27' 5.148" N, 22° 16' 7.4388" E

"Ladyfest is an event organized by women. Our aim is to present female artists and performers. The events are focused mainly on encouraging female talents and raising female consciousness, but the event is open to everyone. Ladyfest is going to be a place where visitors can discuss and take action in different workshops and enjoy performances. For more info, please email us at leidifestatyahoo [dot] se Also check out our web page"


Kruh & Ruze ("Bread & Roses", Magazine)


Ženska infoteka
Varšavska 16
Zagreb , I 10000

WOMEN'S INFOTEKA (ŽENSKA INFOTEKA) is women's information and documentation center founded in Zagreb in December 1992 as the first of the sort in Croatia and Eastern Europe. The basic activities are:

* Collecting and disseminating data and information
* A lending service Library
* Publishing (books and the magazine "Bread and Roses" ("Kruh i ruže")
* Organizing of training seminars and international conferences
* Conducting researches and providing help in researches


Women Against War (Magazine)


Jug Bogdanova Belgrade , 11 000
44° 49' 24.96" N, 20° 27' 1.08" E


Antimilitarism and non-violence are our spiritual orientation and our political choice. We reject military power and the production of arms for the killing of people, of human working nature, and for the domination of one sex, nation, or state over another.

We speak out for recognition of difference, reciprocity, respect for nature, and for development in accordance with the needs of the civil population, and not the civil and military oligarchy and their national interests.


Radio Pirate Woman


53° 16' 14.0124" N, 9° 3' 24.0048" W

Established 1987, unlicensed, broadcasts two months/twice each year from private home of Margaretta D'Arcy (founder). On her website several issues of the programm can be downloaded/heard; emphasis on civil society, environmental / anti-war / human rights / women's rights activism, international perspectives, etc.




radiOrakel fm 99,3
St. Olavs plass Blitzhuset
Oslo, 0166
59° 55' 4.278" N, 10° 44' 7.7244" E

radiOrakel was started in 1982 when authorities allowed for local radio stations to operate. Money was then collected at a women’s cultural festival to start up the world’s first women’s radio station. On 16th October 1982 radiOrakel was founded. Rita Westvik was the first editor in chief. In the early days the station’s headquarters were at Karsgata 5 but moved together with AKKS (Aksjon Kvinne Kultur Senter- Women’s Cultural Action Centre) to the loft at the Blitz house at Pilestredet.


Princess Hijab: Hijabizing Advertising



Princess Hijab, born in 1988, is an unseen character. The young artist behind her wishes to remain anonymous. Since 2006, the Princess, who has begun a movement (Hijabism) based on the subverting of advertisements (Hijabizing) veils faces on billboards using a black marker pen.The black hijab encompasses every existing form of distinction. PH also operates on the Internet by creating animated gifs.
She initiated the hijab_ad collective.


Hallon TV


Bergsundsgatan 25
Stockholm, 117 37
59° 18' 56.9196" N, 18° 1' 46.92" E

HallonTV is an initiative from the Stockholm based, non-profit organization Hallongrottans vänner (Hallongrottan’s Friends). HallonTV is journalism, entertainment and culture with a focus on feminism, HBT-issues, and hence sexual politics. The programmes consist of interviews, reportages, animation, music videos, sketches, courses, documentation of direct actions, festivals and events, all tied together by a pedagogical host in form of a hand puppet.


Changing Aspects: Reflections on the Geo-Political Dilemmas of a Feminist

Much has been written on the inequalities existing in feminist scholarship between Western Europe and their Central- and Eastern colleagues. Perhaps most obviously, this unequal relationship—this Western feminist hegemony—is reproduced by severe disproportionality in research funding. Another evident inequality is the dominance of the English language within academia, promulgated by both the most ‘prestigious’ journals and ‘major’ conferences in the field, all of which stipulate in their rules for engagement that English be used as ‘accepted practice’.


Re-BELLY-on Week

These are all the pictures I could get uploaded for the time being.

To explain:
Myself and other members of one of our feminist clubs on campus, FORGE (Fighting for Our Rights and Gender Equality), as well as cast members of our production of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues" decided to put together an art project in celebration of NEDA Week. We know that many women are plagued with body image issues as well as life-threatening eating disorders. In conjunction with NEDA Week, we launched the "Re-BELLY-on" project.

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