Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Title Topic Post date Peoplesort icon Type of project Type
Queer Female Art Show! Activism 2009 Misty Fall, Jenny Henley Exhibit Project
Queer Female Art Show! Art 2009 Misty Fall, Jenny Henley Exhibit Project
Queer Female Art Show! LGBT and queer issues 2009 Misty Fall, Jenny Henley Exhibit Project
Queer Female Art Show! Queer feminism 2009 Misty Fall, Jenny Henley Exhibit Project
Masculine Femininities Zine Sex and sexualities 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
Masculine Femininities Zine Queer feminism 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
Masculine Femininities Zine LGBT and queer issues 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
Masculine Femininities Zine Grassroots media in Europe 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
Masculine Femininities Zine Zines 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
Masculine Femininities Zine Text 2009 Misster Raju Rage, formally Misster Scratch (editor) Digital Archives
MíraLES (E-Zine, Podcast-Radio) Representation of women 2013 MíraLES editorial team editor in chief: María Jesús Méndez Digital Archives
MíraLES (E-Zine, Podcast-Radio) LGBT and queer issues 2013 MíraLES editorial team editor in chief: María Jesús Méndez Digital Archives
MíraLES (E-Zine, Podcast-Radio) Grassroots media in Europe 2013 MíraLES editorial team editor in chief: María Jesús Méndez Digital Archives
MíraLES (E-Zine, Podcast-Radio) Grassroots Media in Europe 2013 MíraLES editorial team editor in chief: María Jesús Méndez Digital Archives
MíraLES (E-Zine, Podcast-Radio) Mixed 2013 MíraLES editorial team editor in chief: María Jesús Méndez Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Queer feminism 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Postcolonial theory & perspectives 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Pop culture 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Political participation 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Migration & border issues 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) LGBT and queer issues 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Grassroots media in Europe 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Anti-Imperialism 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Activism 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Grassroots Media in Europe 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
MFLA - Martedì autogestito da femministe e lesbiche (Radio) Race & ethnicity 2012 MFLA collective Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Networking & community building 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Ladyfest 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Internet & digital divide 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Grassroots media in Europe 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Do-It-Yourself 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Grassroots Media in Europe 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
CoWeb - City of Women goes Web! (E-Zine) Interactive 2011 Mesto žensk - Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi (Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women) Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) Interactive 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) Grassroots Media in Europe 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) Art 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) Grassroots media in Europe 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) LGBT and queer issues 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
Qunst.mag (E-Zine) Queer feminism 2013 members of Bildwechsel Digital Archives
taking cultural production into our own hands Do-It-Yourself 2010 Melanie Maddison (editor) Digital Archives
taking cultural production into our own hands Zines 2010 Melanie Maddison (editor) Digital Archives
taking cultural production into our own hands Text 2010 Melanie Maddison (editor) Digital Archives
Reassess Your Weapons (zine) Queer feminism 2009 Melanie Maddison (ed) Digital Archives
Reassess Your Weapons (zine) Grassroots media in Europe 2009 Melanie Maddison (ed) Digital Archives
Reassess Your Weapons (zine) Do-It-Yourself 2009 Melanie Maddison (ed) Digital Archives
Reassess Your Weapons (zine) Zines 2009 Melanie Maddison (ed) Digital Archives
Reassess Your Weapons (zine) Text 2009 Melanie Maddison (ed) Digital Archives
Uk Ladyfest Artwork: Interviews (Zine) Zine 2009 Melanie Maddison & Heather Crabtree (eds) Digital Archives
Uk Ladyfest Artwork: Interviews (Zine) Ladyfest 2009 Melanie Maddison & Heather Crabtree (eds) Digital Archives
Uk Ladyfest Artwork: Interviews (Zine) Festivals: Ladyfest & Queer-Feminist 2009 Melanie Maddison & Heather Crabtree (eds) Digital Archives