Nina is a prolific DIY creator, making zines, illustration, and music. Here she talks about Ladyfest as a temporary community and a much-needed place to renew your energy and creativity.
The ever wonderful, and busy, Melanie chats about finding your allies, accessing your creativity, and whether Ladyfest needs to start getting political again.
Ladyfest is a festival mainly by women, for women. And sometimes those women come as boys. Hark the wonder of New Kids on the Block at Ladyfest Amsterdam 2008. Tina and Melita discuss queer feminism, DIY, and looking hot in leather jackets.
Debi, from the self-identified 'post-ladyfest' band Drunk Granny, discusses activist home-comings, the need for feminist space, and the problem of nostalgic tendencies in Ladyfest organizing.