Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Humour de dogue - le blog d'une Chienne de Garde (Blog)


French blog run by bulledogue, member of the French activist group Les Chiennes de garde (The Watchdogs) which fights sexism/sexist insults against women in public life, especially in the media and advertising. The blog works a lot with comics/bandes dessinées and puts an emphasis on sexism in the media especially in advertising, stereotypes, violence etc.; bulledogue also publishes the Le féminin l'emporte blog (under the pseudonym Emelire) and a lot of the content is published on both blogs.


Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
bulledogue aka Emelire
Affiliated organisation: 
Les Chiennes de garde
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
2007 - now
Language of project: 
Grassroots media in Europe
Representation of women