Feminist Europa.Review of Books (Journal 1998-2002, Online-Journal since 2003)
Feminist Europa.Review of Books is a journal written in English which reviews feminist scholarship, creative and popular work by women published in Europe in languages other than English. It was launched in 1998 as a project of the Division Communication and Cultural Practice of Women’s International Studies Europe (WISE) under whose auspices six issues were produced. Starting with issue Vol 1, No 1, 2001, it has been relaunched and is now published by the German Foundation for Gender Studies until issue Vol.2/2/2002 as a paperback version; since 2003 a yearly online version gets published which can get downloaded for free from the website of the ddv Verlag; emphasis on book reviews from all over Europe.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books is a journal written in English which reviews feminist scholarship, creative and popular work by women published in Europe, in languages other than English.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books was launched in 1998 as a project of the Division Communication and Cultural Practice of Women’s International Studies Europe (WISE) under whose generous auspices six issues were produced. Starting with its new issue Vol 1, No 1, 2001, it has been relaunched and is now published by the German Foundation for Gender Studies, whose projects are in perfect tune with the goals pursued by our reviews journal.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books wants to strengthen the ties among feminist scholars and women’s communities active in all European countries. Have you ever wondered what happens in the rest of Europe, outside of your own country and in languages you do not command? Our aim is to facilitate awareness of the productivity and debates within women’s studies across linguistic and cultural barriers in Europe, drawing on an extensive pool of scholars and activists committed to transcultural and transnational discourse. We host publications that have an impact on women’s culture and deserve to be known outside their local context; we foster the flow of information across national borders and language boundaries.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books is a unique project dedicated to transnational communication and committed to the creation of a new Europe, a Europe in which, i.e., feminists in France are perfectly aware of the discourse articulated by feminists in Ukraine, and communities in Seville can build networks with scholars in Sarajevo and activists in London.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books has published reviews with the prime aim of giving voice to the widest possible number of countries represented; our editorial board already includes a number of nations and constantly seeks new contributors from other languages and cultures. The first issue in our new series published by the German Foundation for Gender Studies features reviews from eight different countries and includes an impressive variety of topics ranging from a long review of books on Female Genital Mutilation to several books dealing with gender in Nazi-occupied Europe, with issues of ethnic identity, women in business, special issues on Detective Fiction and on Engendering the Past in Archaeology and History as well as our page Profiles devoted to the presentation of a woman writer.
Feminist Europa.Review of Books can greatly profit from the contributions offered by the networking community that the journal aims at creating. Our policy since the beginning has supported the presentation and diffusion of individual works and has encouraged reviewers to shape their contributions in different and person always. We believe that a community of women must speak in different voices and aim at offering a forum in which they can all find a place and a fruitful occasion for exchange and communication.
Clearly, Feminist Europa.Review of Books contributes to the project pursued by the German Foundation for Gender Studies.