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Nevi Sara Kali - Roma Women's Journal / Revista Femeilor Rome / Romane Ӡuvleanqe Ӡurnalo (Journal)


This trilingual journal (English, Romanian, Romani) gets published by FEMROM - Equality through difference: Roma women’s access on labor market and "addresses the complex issue of Roma women at the intersection of their geopolitical position, ethnicity, social and economic status and age with the aim to represent the socio-cultural diversity of the European Roma women, seen in their immediate communities, and in the context of their relationship with both Roma men and non-Roma women." So far three issues have been published and all of them can get downloaded from their website

The journal addresses the complex and complicated issue of “Roma women” at the intersection of their geopolitical position, ethnicity, social and economic status and age with the aim to represent the socio-cultural diversity of the European Roma women, seen in their immediate communities, and in the context of their relationship with both Roma men and non-Roma women. Crucial for us is the understanding of how they are subjected to multiple and intersectional discrimination, but also how they are acting as powerful agencies by fighting for the betterment of the society within which they live, and for enhancing their own condition, as well as the condition of other subordinated and disadvantaged social categories. The journal publishes in English, Romanian and Romani (with English abstracts) texts written in different genres, produced by scholars and activists. Scientific analysis of 15-20 pages, essays of 3-5 pages, shorter articles presenting different associations and organizations involving Roma women from Europe and projects related to our subject, interviews, book reviews, as well as brief announcements regarding upcoming events (conferences, festivals, seminars etc.), information on future plans, search for partnerships, publications or on other concerns. By this our aim is to support the networking across Europe among activists and academics committed to our joint cause.

Revista abordează problematica complexă a femeilor rome aflate la intersecţia poziţiei lor geopolitice, etnicitate, statut social şi economic, şi vârstă cu scopul de a reprezenta diversitatea socio-culturală a femeilor rome din Europa, privită în contextul propriilor lor comunităţi, precum şi în contextul relaţiilor cu bărbaţi romi şi femei non-rome. Pentru noi este crucială înţelegerea modului în care ele sunt supuse discriminării multiple şi intersectoriale, şi înţelegerea modului în care acţionează ca agenţi puternici pentru îmbunătăţirea societăţii în care trăiesc, şi pentru schimbarea în bine a propriilor lor condiţii , dar şi a condiţiilor altor categorii sociale subalterne şi dezavantajate. Revista publică în trei limbi (engleză, română şi romani, cu sumare în limba engleză pentru fiecare articol) texte de diferite genuri produse de cercetători şi activişti. Articole ştiinţifice de 15-20 de pagini, articole mai scurte care prezintă diferite asociaţii şi organizaţii ale femeilor rome din Europa şi proiecte legate de subiectul nostru, interviuri, recenzii dar şi anunţuri scurte legate de evenimente curente (conferinţe, festivaluri, seminarii etc.), informaţii despre proiecte de viitor, parteneriate posibile, publicaţii sau alte teme. Astfel dorim să sprijinim crearea reţelelor europene pentru activişti şi cercetători dedicaţi cauzei noastre comune.


Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
FEMROM - Equality through difference: Roma women’s access on labor market; Founding editors: Letiţia Mark, Enikő Magyari-Vincze; Associated editors: Hajnalka Harbula, Crina Morteanu, Raluca Pop; Managing editors: Noémi Magyari, Larisa Poşircă
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
2009 - now
Language of project: 
English, Romanian, Romani
Grassroots media in Europe
Race & ethnicity
Work and employment