SlutWalks: Books, Articles and Videos
Chateauvert, M. (2014) Sex Workers Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to SlutWalk. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Mendes, K. (2015) SlutWalk: Feminism, Activism and Media. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Teekah, A., Scholz, E.J., Friedman, M. and O’Reilly, A. (eds) (2015) This is What a Feminist Slut Looks Like: Perspectives on the Slutwalk Movement. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press.
Book Chapters
Maddison, S. (2013) "SlutWalking: where is the next generation of Australian feminists?" in The Women's Movement in Protest, Institutions and the Internet: Australia in transnational perspective, eds. S. Maddison and M. Sawer. Abingdon: Routledge, 132-147.
McNicol, L. (2015) "A Critical Reading of SlutWalk in the News: Reproducing Postfeminism and Whiteness" in Feminist Erasures. Challenging Backlash Culture, eds. K. Silva and K. Mendes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 235-257.
Mendes, K. (2015) "SlutWalk, Feminism, and News" in Feminist Erasures. Challenging Backlash Culture, eds. K. Silva and K. Mendes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 219-234.
Ng, A. (2015) "SlutWalk Hong Kong and the Media: Sharing Lessons Learned" in Protests as Events: Politics, Activism and Leisure, eds. I. Lamond and K. Spracklen. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 41-57.
Journal Articles
Altman, H. (2012) “SlutWalk Philadelphia”, Feminist Studies, 38:1, 251-253.
Borah, R. and Nandi, S. (2012) “Reclaiming the Feminist Politics of ‘SlutWalk’”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 14:3, 415-421.
Carr, J. (2013) “The SlutWalk Movement: A Study in Transnational Feminist Activism”, Journal of Feminist Scholarship, 4, 24-38.
Crinnion, A. (2013) "The Slutwalks: Reappropriation through Demonstration", Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender Studies. Special issue on Gender and Urban Space. 42. Available online:
Darmon, K. (2014) “Framing SlutWalk London: How Does the Privilege of Feminist Activism in Social Media Travel into the Mass Media?”, Feminist Media Studies, 14:4, 700-704.
Dow, B. and Wood, J. (2014) "Repeating History and Learning From It: What Can SlutWalks Teach Us About Feminism?", Women's Studies in Communication, 37:1, 22-43.
Gwynne, J. (2013) “Slutwalk, Feminist Activism and the Foreign Body in Singapore”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43:1, 173-185.
Han, W. (2016) "SlutWalk Korea: Translation, Cultural Production, and the Politics of Possibility", Communication, Culture and Critique.
Heallicon, A. (2013) “‘My Dress Is Not a Yes’: subversion and the SlutWalk message”, Power and Education, 5:2, 137-148.
Kapur, R. (2012) “Pink Chaddis and SlutWalk Couture: The Postcolonial Politics of Feminism Lite”, Feminist Legal Studies, 20:1, 1-20.
Lim, J and Fanghanel, A. (2013) “‘Hijabs, Hoodies and Hotpants’: Negotiating the ‘Slut’ in SlutWalk”, Geoforum, 48, 207-215.
Mattos, A. (2014) "On Sluts, Teachers, and Black Blocs: The Street and the Construction of Political Dissent in Brazil", Trans. P. Rothwell. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 40:1, 69-74.
McCormack, C. and Prostran, N. (2012) “Asking for It: A First-Hand Account from SlutWalk”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 14:3, 410-414.
Miriam, K. (2012) “Feminism, Neoliberalism, and SlutWalk”, Feminist Studies, 38:1, 262-66.
Nguyen, T. (2013) From SlutWalks to SuicideGirls: Feminist Resistance in the Third Wave and Postfeminist Era. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 41:3&4, 157-172.
O’Keefe, T. (2014) My Body is my Manifesto! SlutWalk, FEMEN and femmenist protest. Feminist Review, 107, 1-19.
O’Reilly, A. (2012) “Slut Pride: A Tribute to SlutWalk Toronto”, Feminist Studies, 38:1, 245-250.
Reger, J. (2014) "Micro-Cohorts, Feminist Discourse, and the Emergence of the Toronto SlutWalk", Feminist Formations, 26:1, 49-69.
Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. (2012) “Slut-shaming, girl power and ‘sexualisation’: thinking through the politics of the international SlutWalks with teen girls”, Gender and Education, 24:3, 333-343.
Zhang, W. and Kramarae, C. (2014) “‘SlutWalk’ on connected screens: Multiple framings of a social media discussion”, Journal of Pragmatics, 73, 66-81.
Conference Papers
Leach, B. (2013) “SlutWalk and Sovereignty: Transnational Protest as Emergent Global Democracy”. American Political Science Association [APSA] Annual Meeting Paper. Available online:
Feigenbaum, A. (2013) "Little 'p' politics: The importance of women's politics". Parliament Week Event: Women in Democracy. Bournemouth University. 15 November 2013. Available online:
Open Letters and Organisational Responses
Black Women's Blueprint (2011) "An Open Letter from Black Women to the SlutWalk". 23 September 2011. Available online:
Anon. (2012) "Women of Colour respond to Black Women’s Blueprint attack on Slutwalk". Global Women's Strike. Available online:
Blogs and Online Magazines
Amor, B. (2015) "Tagging Along on Ecuador's "Marcha de las Putas"". Bitch media [blog]. 25 March 2015. Available online:
Bogado, A. (2011) "SlutWalk: A Stroll Through White Supremacy". To the curb [blog]. 13 May 2011. Available online:
Creatrix Tiara (2011) "I Haven’t Actually Been Called a Slut", Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture. 26 May 2011. Available online:
crunktastic (2011) "SlutWalks v. Ho Strolls". Crunk Feminist Collective [blog]. 23 May 2011. Available online:
Daniels, J. (2014) "SlutWalk, #Hashtag Activism and the Trouble with White Feminism", Racism Review. 12 November 2014. Available online:
Hobson, J. (2011) "Should Black Women Oppose the SlutWalk?", Ms Magazine [blog]. 27 September 2011. Available online:
Marcus, J.K. (2011) "The Implosion of Slutwalk and My Apology", Sustainable Mothering [blog]. 15 October 2011. Available online:
Overton, S. (2013) "Critical Perspectives on the SlutWalk Debate", Upperclass Monroe Scholars Summer Research Project [blog]. 14 August 2013. Available online:
Peterson, L. (2011) "Which Women Are What Now? Slutwalk NYC and Failures in Solidarity", Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture. 5 October 2011. Available online:
Peterson, L. (2011) "Slutwalk, Slurs, and Why Feminism Still Has Race Issues", Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture. 6 October 2011. Available online:
Shahidah Simmons, A. (2011) "Woman is the “N” of the World?", AfroLez®femcentric Perspectives [tumblr]. 4 October 2011. Available online:
Solomon, A. (2011) "Is the SlutWalk Movement Relevant For a Black Feminist?", ColorLines. 5 August 2011. Available online:
Solomon, A. (2011) "More Thoughts on SlutWalk: No Attention is Better Than Bad Attention", ColorLines. 6 October 2011. Available online:
Walia, H. (2011) "Slutwalk – To March or Not to March", Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture. 19 May 2011. Available online:
Media Coverage - A Taster
Doyle, S. (2011) "SlutWalk NYC: Real Empowerment, Corsets and All", In These Times. 3 October 2011. Available online:
Tillet, S. (2011) "What to Wear to a SlutWalk". The Nation. 28 September 2011. Available online:
Valenti, J. (2011) "SlutWalks and the Future of Feminism". The Washington Post. 3 June 2011. Available online: