Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Fett is a feminist magazine, which comes out with four issues per year. The magazine is published by the Women's Front, with financial support from the Freedom of Expression and the Norwegian Cultural Council, but the editorial work on independent basis. Fett is a member of the Norwegian Association Journal (

Who are we to make fett? A lot of promising women and a few men who are tired of the usual press buy and sell stereotypical notions of gender and sexuality. Now hold it!

Our goal is to create a feminist, public space for debate, reflection, information and nonsense. We want the fett to engage feminists in all camps, and want to build down the fences between academia and activism.

We will discuss the matter, not personal. We will uncover the myths, not create new ones. We will open up, not close again.


Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
Editor: Charlotte Myrbråten Editorial team:Trine Elisabeth Danielsen - Bilderedaktør Ellen Engelstad - Kulturredaktør Tone Mesna - Desksjef Aina Landsverk Hagen Ingrid Lossius Falkum Kari Mathilde Hestad Anita Haslie
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
Language of project: 
Copyright reserved
Additional information: 
Hvem er vi som lager Fett? En masse oppegående damer og et par menn som er lei av at den vanlige pressa kjøper og selger stereotype forestillinger om kjønn og seksualitet. Nå holder det! Målet vårt er å skape et feministisk, offentlig rom for debatt, refleksjon, informasjon og tull. Vi vil at Fett skal engasjere feminister i alle leire, og ønsker å bygge ned gjerdene mellom akademia og aktivismen. Vi vil diskutere sak, ikke person. Vi vil avdekke myter, ikke skape nye. Vi vil åpne opp, ikke lukke igjen.
Grassroots media in Europe
LGBT and queer issues
Queer feminism