Palabras (Magazine)
The magazine Palabras / Palabres broadcasts stories of concrete struggles of women, South and North, in a fresh perspective.
It disseminates stories of grassroots groups, living in Southern Europe, Latin America and francophone Africa.
The project gives voice to women's groups in southern and northern countries to tell and write about a specific action which illustrates social engagement.
The starting point is the belief that women's groups from North and South act, react and take their future in the field of their "possible". They therefore tell and write interesting and unfamiliar things. But between the women of South and North many prejudices and misconceptions exist. There is also an invisibility of work and commitment of the people of South and North who act and manage their destiny. When it comes to women, this invisibility is even more pronounced.
The exchange of stories between Francophone and Hispanic world on concrete achievements is a way to bridge these gaps and allow development of animation tools and educational development as a gender approach in the perspective of improvement status (economic, social, legal ...) women.
Sharing practice to show both the "range" of experiences different from the realities of each social group, every country, every culture and closeness of feelings (joy or pain), facts and approaches in the goal of empowering women.
To manage this project, The World According to Women has established in its midst, a multicultural working group of 7 people originating from North and South. Partners in contact with the world by women for this project are already very numerous. Disseminating Palabras is also important: the magazine is sent in 60 different countries: 11 European countries, 18 Latin American countries, 20 countries Africa (mainly French) and the remainder in North America, Asia and Oceania.
Issues of Palabras are available for free PDF download (French, Spanish) here,