Weiber Zeit (newspaper)
Weiber Zeit [Wives Time] is the quarterly newspaper of the project "Political representation of disabled women" by Weibernetz [Womens Network]. Thanks to funding from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Weiber Zeit can be ordered free of charge to all interested parties.
PDFs of the paper can be downloaded free here, http://www.weibernetz.de/weiberzeit.html. Other formats are also available.
Weibernetz [Womens Network] is a nationwide association of women with different disabilities, as well as the national networks and coordinating bodies of disabled women. Our long name is: National Network of Lesbian Women and girls with disability. We have established ourselves in 1998 to improve the lives of women and girls with disabilities and / or chronic illnesses.
We stand for the rights of women and work