Catcall: A Feminist Discussion Paper (1976-1984?)
"An internal feminist discussion paper, that appears almost every 3 months. 20p each"
- Information from the "Directory of Women's Liberation Newletters, Magazines, Journals...", by Dena and Shaila (York, UK), c.1978
From the first issue:
CATCALL Provides [sic] a nonsectarian forum for discussion, theory, and the exchange of ideas by and for women in the women's movement. It is produced by a small group of us who had become concerned by the lack of serious discussion of ideas within the movement in this country. It is often hard for us to communicate with women who have a different theoretical perspective from ours; it's hard to open our activities to criticism or perhaps to admit how confused many of our ideas still are. But unless we can do so, the movement will be seriously weakened. We hope that Catcall will provide an opportunity for us all to clarify our ideas, and to understand the bases of our differences. It is only then we can begin to work together for long term change.
We will print articles concerned both with issues specific to the women's movement and with issues of general relevance to women. We don't intend to print "party lines", but will include statements of individuals' political beliefs. We hope that a broad spectrum of ideas will be represented, and will try to keep the paper from being dominated by a particular point of view. Personal opinions and experiences will be welcome, personal abuse will not.
The Collective
The Catcall collective has been formed on the basis of a shared commitment to the aims of the paper and the belief that we can work well together. Production work and decision making are shared equally between us. We hope to have open meetings to discuss the contents of the paper with women who've written articles and others who want to discuss/comment/criticize. We hope that women who live too far away for the meetings will feel free to write in with their comments and suggestions, and to send in replies to questions raised in articles, so that discussions can be carried on in future issues of the paper.