Punto G 2011: Genere e Globalizzazione - 24th to 26th June 2011, Genoa, Italy
The reasons for a new edition of Punto G, ten years after in Genoa, June 2011
Ten years ago, on June 2001, in Genoa at San Giorgio Palace, the women network (who at that time joined the World March of Women) started the agenda of political events and rallies of Genoa Social Forum with an international meeting titled Punto G: gender and globalization – For an equal, democratic, fair, supporting and peaceful society of women and men, that ended with a demonstration in the centre of the city.
We decided to make it one month before the G8 summit – scheduled on July 2001- in order to have time to discuss about the issue of globalization and its effects on women’s life all over the world, and to look at the struggles against neoliberalism and its consequences on political and economic level through the lenses of gender.
More than 1000 women participated at Punto G, representing almost 140 national and international feminist groups, and voted for a Charter of Intent which if you read it now is surprisingly prophetical. It expressed concern for public spaces – guaranteed to all citizens by our Constitutions – that are getting increasingly limited; for the diffusion of sexism and racism; for the rising of religious fundamentalism; for the lowering of freedom about reproductive and sexual choices; for the pollution of the environment of our planet; for violence and sexual harassment in the family, at school and at work; for unequal and unfair economic policies; for the demolition of welfare; for forgotten wars; for the increasing militarism.
On the other side, it expressed an opposite vision of the world: it was for a different economy based on the satisfaction of needs and not on profit, on the recognition of the connection between the sphere of production and reproduction, on native as well as migrants workers rights; it made the case for a European citizenship based on residence and not nationality.
Referring to the1995 Beijing Women’s Conference, it stated that women would struggle so that the world was not for sale, as well as female body was no longer exploited, abused, violated, commodified, and denied.
Today, after ten years, forecasts, fears and reasons expressed at that time are still valid and even more striking.
Seizing inspiration from our experiences along the past ten years, and also working together with men and women of other groups in a spirit of cooperation for the construction of a set of events, marked by the politics of change, hope and human rights, that from June to July 2011 will have place in Genoa,
we propose to realize together an international meeting like Punto G on June 2011 in Genoa.
We call for all women that have been keeping up the work and the commitment to the reasons of those days, as well as all women that weren’t in Genoa in 2001 but are still building parts of the different world we would want, with their everyday struggles and political practices .
We would like to meet each other again on June 2011 in Genoa, picking up ten years later the thread of Punto G, because we have been changed as well as by the following events, even by that meeting which gave us a great responsibility to build a better future also for who was not there.
Il programma provvisorio di Punto G 2011:
GENOVA – 24/25/ 26 giugno 2011
Aula Magna San SalvatoreFacoltà di Architettura Piazza Sarzano
Meeting internazionale
Per una società di donne e uomini equa, solidale, pacifica e democratica
International Meeting
PUNTO G 2011:GENDER AND GLOBALIZATION For a fair, pacific and democratic society of women and men
Venerdì 24 GIUGNO
Ore 17,30 – 18,00
Evento di apertura
Piazza Deferrari – Omsa
Sabato 25 GIUGNO
Ore 9,15 Accoglienza
9,30 Saluti Prima sessione plenaria
Donne tra laicità e fondamentalismi religiosi
9,45 Lectio Magistralis di Nawal El Saadawi
10,15 Houzan Mahmoud Religione e tradizione: le gabbie del relativismo culturale
10,35 Gita Sahgal I diritti delle donne sono diritti universali
10,55 Maryam Namazie La legge è uguale per tutti/e
11,15 Wassyla Tamzali Laicità e femminismo
11,35 Pausa caffè
Seconda sessione plenaria
Corpi da vendere e da usare nel mercato globale
Coordina Monica Lanfranco
12,00 Lorella Zanardo
12,20 Dacia Maraini
12,40 Fiammetta Venner
13,00 Soad Baba Aissa
13,20 domande 13,30 buffet
Terza sessione plenaria
Lavoro tra produzione e riproduzione
Coordina Nicoletta Pirotta
14,35 Rosangela Pesenti
14,55 Eliana Como
15,15 Rete araba Aisha
15,35 Deborah Lucchetti
16,00 domandecoffe break
Ore 16,30 – 19,00 Laboratori
1) Migranti e native: pratiche e luoghi con le nuove cittadine. Facilitano: Tiziana Dal Prà, Corinna Vicenzi, Cristina Cattafesta, Ife.
2) La terra siamo noi: pratiche e luoghi della cura glocal. Facilitano: Laura Cima, FemminilePlurale di Vicenza, rete comuni virtuosi, Nadia Gambilongo, rete donne dell’Aquila.
20,30 Cena Santa Maria di Castello
22,00 Musica e narrazioni, con la partecipazione di Beatrice Monroy ed Elide La Vecchia
Domenica 26 GIUGNO
Ore 10,00 Tavola rotonda
Il femminismo del XXI secolo: siete il nostro passato, siamo il vostro futuro
Nawal El Saadawi, Lidia Menapace, Giancarla Codrignani e Lia Masi interloquiscono con il pubblico.
Domande e provocazioni di Laura Paleari, Rossella Dorini, Laura Varlese, Valentina Genta, Roberta Cavicchioli, Valentina Festo.
Conducono Monica Lanfranco e Lorella Zanardo