Reclaiming the F Word (Book) |
Activism |
2010 |
Catherine Redfern and Kristin Aune |
Digital Archives |
“No Rent-A-Feminist”: An interview with Catherine Redfern from The F-Word (UK) |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Global Sister Networking Site |
Activism |
2010 |
The Sisterhood is Global Institute |
Group/Network |
Project |
FEL: Feministisch en Links |
Activism |
2010 |
Project |
Ka Schmitz, Comic-Zeichnerin, Illustratorin und Wen-Do-Trainerin, im Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Verena Reygers, Redakteurin bei, im Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
ASPEKT is a feminist educational and publishing organization in Slovakia. Jana Juranova, one of the founders of ASPEKT and still working there, talked with Rosa Reitsamer about the history and current situation of ASPEKT. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Ptqk Blogzine: Maria Ptqk is writing her blogzine since 2004. In the interview with Rosa Reitsamer, Maria Ptqk talks about her way into feminism, cyberfeminism and her blogging experience. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
„Auf der Suche nach immer neuen Formen…“. Lea Susemichel, koordinierende Redakeurin der feministischen Monatszeitschrift an.schläge und Co-Produzentin von an.schläge-TV, traf sich im Februar 2010 zu einem Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Side Glance: Melanie im Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer über ihre Motivationen ein Blog zum Thema Feminismus und Technik zu betreiben. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Femminismo a Sud: „a space where people can share their opinion about what‘s going on in our society“. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
„We are interested in a bigger picture of society!“ Robin, member of the Belgium feminist grassroots group FEL, in conversation with Rosa Reitsamer about feminism and the challenge of bringing about social change in society. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
A Carnival of Feminist Cultural Activism, York, UK. March 3-5th 2011. |
Activism |
2010 |
Event |
Project |
Feminist Media Production in Europe (funded by FWF 2008-2011) |
Activism |
2010 |
Dr. Elke Zobl (Projektleitung), Dr. Rosa Reitsamer (Postdoc, 2009–2011),
Red Chidgey, MA (2008–2010), Dr. Jenny Gunnarsson-Payne (2008–2009),
Mag. Stefanie Grünangerl (2010–2011) |
E-Zine |
Project | - Rochus Wolff, Initiator des Blogs, im Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
„Narobe means Wrong.“ - Roman Kuhar, editor-in-chief of Narobe magazine and blog (Ljubljana), in conversation with Tea Hvala. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview | Die Illustratorin Chris Campe im Gespräch mit Rosa Reitsamer über ihr Projekt - drawn from a queer perspective. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
The Feminist Poster Project - Call for contributions |
Activism |
2010 |
The Feminist Poster Project |
Illustration |
Project |
De Tweede Sekse Blog: An interview with Evie. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Jamika Ajalon "The Fugitive Archetype of Resistance: a metamorphical narrative" |
Activism |
2011 |
Interview |
CITY OF WOMEN: 16. Intern. Festival of Contemporary Arts – 8 - 17. Oct 2010 Ljubljana/Slovenia |
Activism |
2010 |
City Of Women |
Digital Archives |, issue 4: Queer with(out) Borders |
Activism |
2010 |
Digital Archives |
LGTB Pride Beograd: In what quantity are human rights consumed? A Text by Zoe Gudovic |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Call for Entries: The Nigah QueerFest'10 in Dehli, India |
Activism |
2010 |
Project |
Movement Politics: The Revolution Is Longer Than We Think (Event Oct 30th, 2010; VBKÖ Vienna) |
Activism |
2010 |
Curator: Rudolfine Lackner |
Project | – Im Fokus: "Migration & Medien" |
Activism |
2010 |
Digital Archives |
creating a nexus between activism and the arts. Melanie Manos in Conversation with Deb King. |
Activism |
2010 |
Interview |
Red Dawns Festival 2011: Call for Proposals |
Activism |
2010 |
Project |
CFP: Thematic stream „Feminist Media Production in Europe“ @ „Civilmedia 11“, Salzburg, 14.–16. 04. 2011 |
Activism |
2011 |
Rosa Reitsamer / Elke Zobl |
Resources |
Call for Proposals for Performances: 111111 UpStage Festival |
Activism |
2011 |
Vicki Smith & Helen Varley Jamieson
111111 UpStage Festival Architects |
Resources |
Marea (magazine) |
Activism |
2011 |
Associazione MAREA; editor in chief: Monica Lanfranco |
Digital Archives |
Radio delle Donne |
Activism |
2011 |
Rivista MAREA - Associazione MAREA, Genoa; chief editor: Monica Lanfranco |
Digital Archives |
Télé debout (TV) |
Activism |
2011 |
Joséfine Ajdelbaum, Christine Bard, Valérie Bouillon, Marion Braml, Isabelle Collet, Clothilde Hanoteau, Hormona Rictus, Kaem Crea : Ludi Akue et Magali Roumy, Michèle Larrouy, Natasha Le Roux, Vanessa Watremez, Barbara Wolman |
Digital Archives |
À dire d'elles (Blog) |
Activism |
2011 |
Sandrine Goldschmidt |
Digital Archives |
An interview with Ida Hiršenfelder, editor of Sektor Ž, feminist radio show on Radio Študent, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Activism |
2011 |
Interview |
Caona: Keeping the gold. An Interview with Cae Massena, co-founder of Caona, a collective dedicated to supporting women musicians in France. |
Activism |
2011 |
Interview |
Einladung zur Mitarbeit und Mitgestaltung: Die Zeitschrift „AEP-Informationen“ sucht neue Frauen!!! |
Activism |
2011 |
AEP Informationen
Feministische Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft; |
Project |
THE WOMEN’S LIBERATION MUSIC ARCHIVE: Feminist music-making from the 1970s and 80s |
Activism |
2011 | |
Digital Archives |
Interview with Enci Brenci and Tadeja Pirih, the producers of the feminist blog Lezbično-feministična univerza (LFU) |
Activism |
2011 |
Interview |
Amphi magazine (E-zine) |
Activism |
2011 |
founder/editor: Jeanna Krömer (Yamaykina) |
Digital Archives |
C@ucAsia - К@вкАзия - კ@ვკასია (E-Zine 2005-2009; blog) |
Activism |
2011 |
GenderMediaCaucasus journalists' association;
editor in chief: Galina Petriashvili |
Digital Archives |
Autonome FrauenLesbenMädchenZentrum Wien feiert 33-jähriges Bestehen |
Activism |
2011 |
Event |
Project |
La Barbe (Blog) |
Activism |
2011 |
La Barbe |
Digital Archives |
Charlie Little (Blog, 2008 - 2009) former Blog of Feminist Activism (Blog, 2006 - 2008) |
Activism |
2011 |
Charliegrrrl = Charlie Little |
Digital Archives |
Shape & Situate: Posters of inspirational European women zine - issue 2 |
Activism |
2011 |
Melanie Maddison |
Project |
la broma (blog) |
Activism |
2011 |
Olga Fernández Berrios |
Digital Archives |
La Bruja Violeta - FeminoTopía (blog) |
Activism |
2011 |
Mon Vilar Figueirido |
Digital Archives |
Bauch, Bein, Po - Die Sendung für die ganze Frau (radio) |
Activism |
2011 |
belinda, sushi, marty, karo r. |
Digital Archives |
DégenréE - l'émission pour déranger! (radio) |
Activism |
2011 |
DégenréE distro + radio féministe |
Digital Archives |
Feminist Poster Project (Posters, postcards, stickers, visual material) |
Activism |
2011 |
rebelsister = Nina Nijsten |
Digital Archives |