Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Grassroots Media in Europe


Anattitude Magazine (Magazine + Blog)


50° 50' 46.6116" N, 4° 21' 17.0172" E

Anattitude magazine - founded in 2005 - is the first and only existing international Hip Hop magazine on print, to present the female side of Hip Hop culture. Intended as an antidote to the onesided, boring, even nonexistent representation of contemporary female Hip Hop culture in the media, Anattitude presents strong independent women from around the Hip Hop world with a special focus on the variety of gender styles.


fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur (magazine)


48° 12' 33.1416" N, 16° 22' 22.0008" E

fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur versteht sich als (Medien-) Projekt, das in seinem Selbstverständnis Frauen als Akteur_innen wahrnimmt und ihnen bewusst Präsenz verleiht. Wenn wir uns dabei auf den Begriff der geschlechtlichen Identität – in dem Falle „Frau“ – beziehen, ist uns klar, dass dieser Begriff von Ambivalenzen, Unschärfen, Widersprüchen und Uneindeutigkeiten durchzogen ist, wobei diese Unschärfen in unterschiedlichsten Formen sexueller bzw. geschlechtlicher Identität zum Ausdruck gebracht werden (können).


AUF - eine Frauenzeitschrift (Magazine, 1974-2011)


48° 12' 33.1416" N, 16° 22' 22.0008" E

AUF - Eine Frauenzeitschrift was founded in 1974 by the Austrian feminist activist group AUF - Aktion Unabhängiger Frauen and is said to have been the first feminist magazine in the German speaking countries. Until 2011 four issues were published every year, each based around a specific topic. Emphasis on: women's rights, equality, power, violence against women, culture / literature / arts, feminist theory, sexuality, activism/resistance, economy, lesbianism, etc. With issue #153 (6/2011) the magazine ceased publication



Women's Parliamentary Radio


Westminster, London
United Kingdom

Women’s Parliamentary Radio, an online radio station designed to give exclusive coverage to women’s issues and female parliamentarians in the UK. was founded in 2007 and currently receives up to 56,000 hits per month. Our aim is to give exclusive coverage to women’s issues in government and provides a platform for female politicians to speak free from stereotypes and the pressure of the news agenda.


GirlFrenzy (1991-1998)


United Kingdom

"GirlFrenzy zine has been published since 1991 and has always been a popular and unique forum for the work of comic strip artists, women musicians, riot-grrrls and anti-censorship feminists. Ideal reading matter for Grown-up Girls and The Odd Boy".


MigraZine- online magazine by and for migrant women


48° 18' 21.8664" N, 14° 17' 10.6548" E

Verein MAIZ is a self-organisation by and for migrant women. Through our work we attempt to create space for migrant women to articulate themselves as protagonists. „MigraZine“ is a project for an online magazine by and for migrant women and as such, is intended to contribute to the participation of migrant women. The motivations for this project are manifold:

* We refuse to be perceived solely in the role of victim or as offender. We are producers who can and want to speak for ourselves.
* Migrant women’s access to print and online media is limited and one-sided. The intention of the project is to provide the possibility to decide throughout the whole process - starting from the idea to its form and its design.
* Furthermore, with regards to their participation in the media, migrant women are confronted with a lack of technical knowledge, a scarcity of resources and insufficient knowledge of German and English, the dominant languages.
* An online magazine, the medium of choice for this task, is, among other things due to the low costs involved.
* This project will be carried out for a limited period of time. However, we understand it as a first step with leaving the option open to further develop it.
* A feminist and at the same time an anti-racist publication.


Ta det röda pillret (Blog)



Take the Red Pill--Face the World Problems (Queerfeminist blog by Alexander Alvina Chamberland)

Description: Activist, mainly within feminism, hbt/queer and animal's rights. Leading motifs are intersectionality and anarchofeminism! Am gay, byt rather 'dykey'. Studying Gender Studies in Lund. Columnist for the magazines ETC and Efter Arbetet [After Work].
(Freely translated from Swedish)


Bird of Paradox (Blog)


United Kingdom
51° 30' 26.406" N, 0° 7' 39.6588" W

About Bird of Paradox blog:
I write about issues that interest and affect me as a transsexual woman: the civil, social and legal rights of transsexual women in particular – “the politics of being trans” – is a subject which motivates me more as I get further into my transition. As the saying goes: “Women may be second-class citizens, but trans women are second-class women”.


KnockBack (Magazine)


United Kingdom

KnockBack Magazine, or KB to our friends, is our A5 antidote to the guff that passes for women’s media. After enduring an issue of Cosmopolitan on a particularly slow day in the office, Marie Berry and friends decided to provide an alternative, a literary nod to the girls we know and love whose lives are not governed by shopping, dieting and celebrity culture. Because we are women who make sense, who work, play and write hard. Because the women you read about in other magazines are not like us, we are not represented, so we choose to represent ourselves, and you, if you are one of us.


Subtext (Magazine, 2006-2010)


United Kingdom
52° 57' 18.3888" N, 1° 8' 57.516" W

Feminism, politics and culture magazine.

Subtext is written and managed entirely by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis.

We're here to provide an alternative to mainstream women's glossies - a space that's challenging, supportive and engaging. There'll be plenty of much needed feminist critique too.

Subtext is a place where women can voice their opinions, sound off and promote the great things that they're doing or that they respect in others. Men are welcome to join the fun too.

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