Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Grassroots Media in Europe


Isis International Bulletin (1976-1983)



The story begins with a group of inspired feminists, many brilliant ideas and a good typewriter to put them together with... From the setting up of a feminist information and communications collective in 1974, to the first published bulletin that Isis put out in 1976, and all the way through to the present, Isis has been blessed with the courage, creativity and vision of the many women who committed to realising the organisation's vision for social transformation and women's empowerment.


Hardqueer (Blog)



Ett intersektionellt icke-nätverk med rosa drömmar och hårda nävar. (An intersectional non-network with pink dreams and hard fists.)


FoFF - Forum for Feminist Parents (Sweden)



Här kan du informera om feminism och föräldraskap, du kan läsa nyheter om Foff, diskutera på e-postlistan, och agera för förändring i lokala föreningar och arbetsgrupper.


Tema Flickrum (Blog)



Feministisk blogg rörande kulturyttringar, med ögat riktat mot feminitet och maskulinitet.

I kortare essäform diskuteras feminitet och maskulinitet, inte sällan relaterat till kulturella företeelser.


Charlie Little (Blog)


United Kingdom

Charlie is lots of things- a lesbian, radical feminist, anarchist, working class (origin) and a northerner…

Charlie is not queer, a femme, a ‘woman’, an indiscriminate man hater (I just don’t like men who are sexist which means most of them), a student, a socialist, pro-censorship or anti-censorship nor do I live anywhere near London.


FETT (Magazine)



Fett is a feminist magazine, which comes out with four issues per year. The magazine is published by the Women's Front, with financial support from the Freedom of Expression and the Norwegian Cultural Council, but the editorial work on independent basis. Fett is a member of the Norwegian Association Journal (

Who are we to make fett? A lot of promising women and a few men who are tired of the usual press buy and sell stereotypical notions of gender and sexuality. Now hold it!


Feminetik (Feminist Online Forum)


Sweden opened on 13 September 2003 and has from its inception had the ambition to strengthen the feminist struggle by offering all feminists are a meeting place and a chance to express themselves on the Internet.

type=digital_archives (news portal, database, 2006-(2010))


Croatia is an inclusive project by Civil Society Organization named Expanse of Gender and Media Culture 'Common Zone', based in Zagreb, Croatia. We are giving our contribution on bridging ICT gender gap through
a) education based on skill exchange
b) technical, artistic and multimedia workshops
c) having women-made media space.
With online database of women artists and news portal (which are on incorporated one in another) we tend to raise visibility of women artists and participate with dynamic and diverse voice in the media map of Croatia.


Bunnies on Strike (website & zine)



Bunnies On Strike is a work in progress. And it grows! It is no longer just a zine: it's a website, it has a spoken word section, a radical cheerleading section, had a band and a more then music festival and is still growing. But we want Bunnies On Strike to grow in more aspects. We are now working on organising a festival called GENDER OUTLAW that will contain performances of bands together with other kinds of performances [think of dj's spoken word performances, reading/storytelling, games, radical cheerleading, films, foodsharing etc.]


Kruh & Ruze ("Bread & Roses", Magazine)


Ženska infoteka
Varšavska 16
Zagreb , I 10000

WOMEN'S INFOTEKA (ŽENSKA INFOTEKA) is women's information and documentation center founded in Zagreb in December 1992 as the first of the sort in Croatia and Eastern Europe. The basic activities are:

* Collecting and disseminating data and information
* A lending service Library
* Publishing (books and the magazine "Bread and Roses" ("Kruh i ruže")
* Organizing of training seminars and international conferences
* Conducting researches and providing help in researches

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