Illustration © Nikki McClure

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History & memory


Outwrite History Project

Teaser Image: 

WANT TO WORK ON AN EXHIBITION OF 1980s RADICAL ANTI-IMPERIALIST MEDIA??!! Outwrite newspaper, produced by a collective of women throughout the 1980s, was dedicated to offering news by women, for women. Self-defined as an ‘internationlist feminist’ publication, the paper focused on ‘the development of feminism worldwide’ and an examination of women’s oppressions ‘in the context of imperialism, racism and class divisions.’ The goal of this exhibition is to bring Outwrite’s politics alive in the present, to reflect on its struggles and successes with the aim of igniting future possibilities.

Type of project: 
Global affairs & transnationalism
Grassroots media in Europe
History & memory
LGBT and queer issues
Migration & border issues
Race & ethnicity
Sexual violence

Network of women's museums

"There exist more than 40 women's museums worldwide which differ quite a lot in the foundation history, organizational set up and possibilities and which are strongly marked by the respective geographic location. Additionally more women’s museums initiatives could be found just before the congress started in the course of the research to the congress. To bring together and to link up these different realities seemed to be even more interesting.

History & memory

Portfolio: Nikki McClure

Nikki McClure of Olympia, Washington is known for her painstakingly intricate and beautiful paper cuts. Armed with an X-acto knife, she cuts out her images from a single sheet of paper and creates a bold language that translates the complex poetry of motherhood, nature, and activism into a simple and endearing picture. - Cinders Gallery

She also gave us permission to use her beautiful images for our header for the grassroots feminism site. Thanks so much, Nikki!

Type of project: 
History & memory
Parenting & motherhood

Feminist Activist Forum

The Feminist Activist Forum was set up in April 2007 by a bunch of people tired of being caught within a web of misrepresentation about what feminism is, and what feminism does. We want to challenge the claims of academia and the mass media that contemporary feminist activism does not exist, or that post-feminist stereotypes capture the collective imagination. We want a vibrant UK wide intergenerational feminist network to move forward with feminist activism today.

Grassroots media in Europe
History & memory
LGBT and queer issues
Migration & border issues
Networking & community building
Older woman
Queer feminism
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