Illustration © Nikki McClure

Grassroots media in Europe (468)


Tűsarok - Az autonóm nők lapja (Magazine 2003-2004; E-Zine since 2004)


47° 29' 52.4832" N, 19° 2' 24.846" E

Tűsarok - Az autonóm nők lapja ("Spike heels - The autonomous women's page") is an Hungarian feminist web-magazine founded in 2004; before that a printed version of Tüsarok was distributed in the Hungarian liberal weekly magazine Magyar Narancs (14 issues in 2003/04); emphasis on politics, culture, media, family/motherhood, equal opportunities, violence, dicrimination, women in EU, minorities (Roma) etc. Until 05/2010 the e-zine was updated quite every day/two days but since then only gets unregularly updated. Nevertheless, until the beginning of 2013 there was a very lively forum and the website also offered a database to search for links to organisations, data on women's issues, legislation, etc. At the moment the website doesn't work (still existing???)


Trzy Kolory - sabatnik boginiczno-feministyczny / Three Colours - goddess-feminist sabbathZine (E-Zine)



Polish spiritual, feminist webmagazine with an emphasis on (female) spirituality/religion, but also ecology, alternative ways of living, book reviews, poems/short stories/comics/illustration, (feminist) collectivism and activism, health/alternative + herbal remedies, skill sharing, body, etc. The magazine is published quaterly (on every Sabbath) and can get downloaded from the website.


Seksualność Kobiet (E-Zine)



Polish feminist e-zine/online portal about women's sexuality; emphasis on sex and sexuality, female sexuality, women's body, menstruation, masturbation, contraception, sexism, stereotypes, lgbtq, pregnancy and motherhood, reproductive rights, sexual violence, women's health, book reviews/culture, etc.


Woman Plus.../Женщина Плюс… (Magazine, 1994 - 2004)


55° 45' 4.4712" N, 37° 37' 6.3192" E

Woman Plus…/Женщина Плюс… was a bilingual magazine by the Russian NGO East-West: ZiHP published between 1994 and 2004; all articles can be read on the website! Emphasis on feminist news, situation of women in Russia and worldwide, equality, women's rights, feminist theory/history, feminist activism, women's movement, violence, women and war, health/body/reproductive rights, culture, stereotypes/sexism, but the magazine also contained a ressource page "Internet for Women" with lot of links from Women's organisations, groups, etc.; East-West: ZiHP also published the web portal OWL - Open Women Line


OWL - Open Women Line (Newsportal, E-Zine; 1996-2008)


55° 45' 4.4712" N, 37° 37' 6.3192" E

OWL - Open Women Line was an information portal on the subject of “Woman and Society” run by the NGO Eat-West: ZhIP (a documentation / library / research / information / education center) providing feminist international as well as Russian news, but also further documents on women's rights, etc.; emphasis on feminist news (with an emphasis on Eastern-Europe, former Soviet states, Russia, but also international news), Women's rights, equality, health, reproductive rights, violence/women and war etc.; the NGO also published the print magazine "Woman Plus" (1994-2004)


NEWW - Network of East-West Women / NEWW Polska (Network, E-Zine)


54° 21' 7.29" N, 18° 38' 47.8968" E

"Founded in 1991 NEWW is an international communication and resource network supporting dialogue, informational exchange, and activism among those concerned about the status of women in Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, and the Russian Federation (members in over 30 countries). NEWW coordinates research and advocacy that supports women's equality and full participation in all aspects of public and private life. (...) NEWW connects women's advocates in who work in partnership to promote women's rights and to strengthen women's role within civil society. NEWW members represent all strata of society - human rights activists, writers, students, journalists, lawyers, parliamentarians, professors, artists, union organizers, health care workers and feminist activists." The Polish NEWW Polska was founded in 1999 and since 2004 has been running the International Secretariat of the whole NEWW network and is responsable for running this bilingual news portal and two listservers; emphasis on women's and human rights, equality, violence against women, feminist regional/European/international news; => lot of links to members of the NEWW network and to other organisations!!!


Lysistrata's Path - Путь Лисистраты (E-Zine)



Russian radical feminist information portal with an emphasis on radical feminist theory, lesbian culture, lgbtq, feminist news, culture, violence and power, politics, feminist activism, news etc. The website also provides a kind of ressource page that announces, presents and links to other feminist groups, websites and material about feminism on the www (especially Russian sites/feminist movement in Russia) and also provides a forum and a gallery (both accessible only as registered user) => lot of links!!!


Ženska soba - Ženski glas (Blog)



blog run by Ženska soba – Centar za seksualna prava (Women's Room - Center for Sexual Rights), a Croatian non-profit feminist NGO that works to empower women and raise awareness about sexual violence and sexual rights through education, research, lobbying and public work, and providing direct and indirect assistance and support to victims of sexual violence (founded in November 2002; based in Zagreb). blog emphasis on women's rights, sexual violence, women's sexuality, LGBTIQ etc.


Svobodna - свободна (Blog & zine)



blog of an Ukrainian anarcha-feminist collective; emphasis on feminist theory, activism, protest, discrimination, stereotypes, lgbtq, homophobia, anarcha-feminism, women's rights, equality, anti-capitalism, violence, sexism (in media, advertising, everyday life, but also in anarchist/activist movements), body politics (abortion, reproductive rights), feminist comics/flyers/stickers/visual material, DIY, arts, etc. They work a lot with feminist/lgbtq/anti-homophobia visual material/comics, distributing it in the DIY section of their blog. In 2010 they have published a special issue print zine dealing with the problem of power structures, domination, sexism and violence in activism and especially in the anarchist movement, but also including a section about feminist self-defense.


SROM - Separatystyczne Rewolucyjne Oddziały Maciczne ("Separatist Revolutionary Uterine Troops") (Blog, 2010)


51° 45' 33.2964" N, 19° 27' 21.5388" E

blog of the SROM collective based in Lodz (Poland) and fighting for reproductive rights and against the restrictive abortion laws in Poland; emphasis on abortion, reproductive rights, body politics, women's rights, activism/own activities, etc. Their last activity on the blog dates back in 2010

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