Vox Feminae (portal, ezine)
Vox Feminae is an annual Ladyfest taking place in Zagreb since 2007. In 2010 the website has been restructured and since 21 Dec. 2010 this webportal is online, comprising also the cunterview ezine. Emphasis on arts and culture, politics, media, etc. publishing reviews but also articles about and interviews with artists, activists, theorists etc.
VoxFeminae is a space of gender and media culture which acts as a platform of voices. Through the internet portal voxfeminae.net, video production, video and web services, education, counselling and VoxFeminae Festival we support and present the work of female artists, entrepreneurs, civil initiatives, non-governmental organisations and other gender aware and socially responsible groups and individuals.
The VoxFeminae portal was conceived in 2006, and has been operating in its current form since December 21st, 2010. The texts and reports we publish, with the emphasis on original texts, steer towards culture, art, politics and engaged media and socially responsible creation, which we ourselves advocate and generate.
An important part of the portal consists of a base of Croatian and regional female artists as well as a critical domain Cunterview, formerly an independent portal which we restructured and expanded into the current – VoxFeminae.
VoxFeminae Festival – Ladyfest Zagreb has been held every fall since 2007 until present day. Through visual and performing arts, film and musical creation, communication technologies and theoretical education we present to the public in live form everything we communicated through the web continuously throughout the year. In 2010, the film portion of the Festival has taken on the form of a competition which has so far seen 48 films from 19 countries.
The VoxFeminae production and services along with the portal and the Festival make up a unique whole of VoxFeminae activity. Through the construction of web pages, documentary videos, musical and promotional videos and graphic design we have, since 2007 till now, realised a significant number of independent projects and established cooperation with non-governmental organisations, civil initiatives and female artists with the goal of achieving the most efficient media presentation of their work.
The mission of the VoxFeminae portal, Festival, production and services is to increase the visibility and influence of women who, through their work, contribute to the creation of a society of gender equality and by their own example encourage socially responsible action. Therefore, we do not mark the 8th of March as Women’s Day, because that is what social institutions do for their own representation. VoxFeminae voices speak about women daily - about women, men and all of those who do not acknowledge gender as binary.
Mission: To increase visibility and influence of women who, through their work, contribute to the creation of a society of gender equality and by their example encourage socially responsible functioning.
Vision: A society in which decisions are equally made by women, men and all those who do not acknowledge gender as binary, which respects and implements principles of harmony, self-sustainable development and abundance for all.
Vox Feminae podržava i prezentira rad umjetnica, poduzetnica, građanskih inicijativa, nevladinih udruga i drugih rodno osviještenih i društveno odgovornih skupina i pojedinaca kroz internetski portal voxfeminae.net, video produkciju, video i web usluge, edukacije, savjetovanja i Vox Feminae festival.
Internetski portal Vox Feminae u sadašnjem je obliku postavljen 21. 12. 2010., nakon restrukturire portala cunterview.net, koji je djelovao od 2006. Tekstovi koje objavljujemo obuhvaćaju prikaze, recenzije i osvrte na kulturne i društvene događaje i fenomene, vijesti i komentare vezane uz kulturu, politiku i medije, intervjue i razgovore s umjetnicama, teoretičarkama, aktivisticama, poduzetnicama i svima onima čiji je rad bitno učiniti što vidljivijim.
Vizija: Društvo u kojemu odluke ravnopravno donose žene, muškarci i i oni/e koji ne priznaju rodnu binarnost, a koje poštuje i provodi principe sklada, samoodrživog razvoja i obilja za sve.
Misija: Povećanje vidljivosti i utjecaja žena koje svojim radom doprinose stvaranju društva rodne ravnopravnosti i svojim primjerom potiču društveno odgovorno funkcioniranje.
Kao medij, prostor, platformu i festival, Vox Feminae karakterizira angažirano kulturno, medijsko i društveno odgovorno djelovanje, stvaranje i poslovanje.