Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Ladyfest Vilnius (Lithuania) 2009

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The theme of the Festival is “Rewritten stories”. The Festival consists of six parts: concert, exhibition, conference, film review, creative workshops and action.

The concert of rock groups of girls will turn Vilnius into the centre of alternative culture and the place of meeting of different styles of music venue. Rock groups of girls from different countries of Europe are invited to the concert: La Fraction (France), Las Revolettes (Italy), Ex-Boyfriends (Finland) and Zimbabwe (Lithuania).

The international conference will discuss knowledge and history development aspects from gender theory perspective. It will combine academic and popular material and present visual illustrations. The conference will be attended by the Lithuanian scientists, culture theorists, activists and well-known representatives of the area of gender studies.

During Creative classes – workshops their participants will be taught certain crafts, participate in creative process and share experience. Drag-king performance: participants put on clothes of the different gender and create a thematic play or a situation from real life. It is expected that this action seminar which is popular abroad will help participants to have a closer look at problems of gender and sex. Feministic radio: women preparing a feministic broadcast “Open end” in a real radio studio will familiarise participants with the principles and techniques of the preparation of the broadcaSt. Food will be prepared according to the principle “Do it yourself (DIY)”.

During the festival works of art of the Lithuanian and foreign artists will be exhibited reflecting the general concept of “Re-written stories” of the “Ladyfest” Festival and the review of female experimental film accompanied by comments of the cinema critic Živilė Pipinytė.

Participants of DIY excursions will also be the guides. Also, thematic orientation competition in the city will be organised. The registered teams participating in the competition will have to find answers to the tasks given to them and to find objects related with themes of the festival.

Alternatyvios kultūros festivalis "Ladyfest Vilnius 2009"

„Ladyfest Vilnius 2009“ (2008 08 – 2009 08) – tarptautinis alternatyvios kultūros festivalis, bendrame kūrybos procese sujungsiantis jaunimą, subkultūrų atstovus ir daugelį visuomenės grupių. Idėjos skatinti merginų ir moterų saviraišką, siekti gilesnio socialinio supratimo, akcentuoti demokratinės visuomenės idealus bus realizuojamos įvairiai – nuo hardcore muzikos ar flashmob socialinių akcijų iki akademinių seminarų ir šiuolaikinio meno renginių. Solidarizuojantis su kitomis Europos kultūros sostinėmis, kur tokio tipo festivaliai jau yra tapę tradicija, bus kuriamos bendros diskusijų platformos aktualioms visuomenės ir lyčių sistemos temoms kelti. Pagrindiniai festivalio renginiai – socialinės intervencijos viešojoje erdvėje, įvairios kūrybinės dirbtuvės, akademiniai seminarai, akcijos netradicinėse socialinėse erdvėse, poezijos ir muzikos vakarai, merginų sporto turnyrai, susitikimai su muzikantais, rašytojais ir mokslininkais. Festivalis yra Nacionalinės programos „Vilnius – Europos kultūros sostinė 2009“ dalis.

PI “Naujos kartos moterų iniciatyvos”


54° 41' 22.0596" N, 25° 16' 47.8416" E
Type of project: 
Queer feminism
Date of project: 
05/04/2009 - 05/14/2009
User reference: 