Queer List (zine, 2008-2010)
Queer List was the monthly bulletin/zine of the Zagreb based organisations Queer Zagreb and Domino. 23 issues were published between 2008 and 2010; emphasis on queer culture, LGBT, homophobia, sexuality, film and popular culture, events etc.; all issues can get downloaded from the Queer Zagreb website
About Queer Zagreb:
Queer Zagreb activities include a whole spectrum of events and initiatives that together have a goal of empowering LGBTIQ people in Croatia to live without discrimination. The biggest event that we put together, and the one that started it all, is the Queer Zagreb festival, an annual international theater, dance and visual art festival that has grown to be a major arts festival of its kind in Europe and has since 2003 presented over 300 artists and companies from all over the world. In addition to live arts, we are dedicated also to presenting a regular monthly film program, Queer MoMenti, which makes Zagreb one of the rare cities in Eastern Europe with an ongoing monthly film program dedicated to queer cinema. Book publishing is another of our major activities, with a publishing cycle of around four to five titles a year, we have published many local, regional and international authors. One of the most important books we have produced is Oral history of homosexuality in Croatia – 1945 – 1990.
In partnerships with other organizations we are also conducting campaigns against homophobia, organizing researches on different issues of interest to the LGBTIQ community. In 2010 we have launched an online queer news portal, Queer.hr, which quickly became the most visited queer site in Croatia and the region.
All in all, activities of Queer Zagreb have reached already tens of thousands of people—its name stands for quality and equality, and our strength remains in the creativity of our programs.