Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Slutwalk Austin 2011


We are men and women of Austin, Texas who want to stand up and say that there is NEVER an excuse for sexual assault and that the victim is NEVER to blame!

SLUTWALK AUSTIN exists to condemn a victim-blaming culture, to empower victims and survivors of sexual violence and to promote the involvement of the community to keep its members safe and bring an end to sexual violence. Sexual violence is NEVER justified and victims are NEVER at fault. The use of the word “slut” in the name of our walk is intentional. It is not a celebration of “slut”, but rather a challenge to the use of the word as a weapon against women and as a justification for their victimization. We are here to publicly reject the victim-blaming mentality in the media and in popular culture and demand change.

We recognize that sexual violence impacts every facet of our community across lines of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and spirituality. EVERYONE has the right to be safe. This is a come-as-you-are, whoever-you-are event. It is open to men and women, survivors and allies. We do not advocate for a particular style of dress, but encourage all to wear what feels comfortable. We encourage and invite individuals, institutions and businesses to join us in taking responsibility for the well-being, safety and respect of Austin and all of its residents.


Texas State CapitolAustin, TX
United States
Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
Abigail Dalgleish, Jessica Poor, Mariam Afsha, Anna Fry, Dara Carrillo
User reference: 
Language of project: 