Illustration © Nikki McClure

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Slutwalk Passau 2011


The Background...

"SlutWalk began in Toronto in February of 2011. It began because a few people had had ENOUGH of victim-blaming, of slut-shaming and sexual profiling. We had enough of being angry, wanting better education, awareness and treatment and not seeing more about it. ...Now, months later Satellite SlutWalks are happening across many different communities, different cities, different countries and with different people." These SlutWalks are founded by people in their own cities who feel the need to publicly challenge sexual violence.

"SlutWalk is about expressing our unity, fighting to shed the stereotypes and myths of sexual assault and supporting a better understanding of why sexual violence happens, supporting victims and survivors, and putting the blame where it belongs: on those who perpetrate it."

* SlutWalk is impassioned and angry but not about hate, and we try not use hateful language.
* Refer to sexual assault, not solely rape, as many are not included in the ideas and definitions of "rape".
* Do not frame sexual assault as something solely done by men to women.
* SlutWalk aims to challenge the word 'slut' and other degrading words around sexuality and sexual assault in their current mainstream use. We see language as an integral part of victim-blaming and slut- and sex-shaming and something that needs to be discussed. SlutWalk aims to reappropriate the word “slut” to use it in a subversive, self-defining, positive, empowering and respectful way.
* Sexual violence is a gendered crime because women and girls are most often the targets of sexual violence and hateful language around it and men are most often the perpetrators, but all genders are affected. SlutWalk recognizes all gender expressions as those that have been and can be negatively impacted. All genders are welcomed to SlutWalk and can be sluts or allies.
* Some communities/people are at a higher risk of sexual assault than others based on their race, status, work, ability, access, gender expression, identity, and a variety of other factors. We aim to recognize this and come together, in all our diversity, as people who are all affected and unite to fight against it. Not everyone's experience of sexual violence is the same and many factors could be involved in how people experience sexual violence and how they are treated in the world, and this should be recognized. Engage in dialogue with groups and communities that will help include many diverse voices in your event.
* Use inclusive and respectful language when discussing the diversity of people affected like: men/women and all gender expressions, racialized communities, people of colour, people of different abilities, etc.
* SlutWalk is an impassioned and peaceful stance that aims to engage others in dialogue.


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