Illustration © Nikki McClure

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F.I.A. (Blog) + Zina LF RO (zine, 2005 + 2007)


the F.I.A. (fete/femei/feminism in actiune/activism - women/girls/feminism in action/activism) group, formed in 2008 from the former ladyfest-ro collective, focuses on various anti-sexist initiatives in Romania. an important part of the group’s mission is collaborating and working together with other groups and people, as well as supporting other initiatives, that deal with social justice, including gender justice. our main projects are a “travelling” library of zines, books and other feminist/feminist-friendly materials, the f.i.a. site and blog, and the “gender network” list.

The ladyfest-ro collective has so far also organised two ladyfests in Bucharest (2007) and in Timisoara (2005) and published two zines (Zina lf_ro #1 & #2) to accompany the festivals which can get read on this blog

grupul F.I.A. (fete/femei/feminism in actiune/activism), format in 2008 din fostul colectiv ladyfest-ro, se axeaza pe diverse initiative anti-sexiste in romania. o parte importanta din misiunea grupului consta atat din colaborarea si conlucrarea cu alte grupuri si persoane, cat si sustinerea altor initiative, pe teme de justitie sociala, inclusiv de gen. proiectele noastre principale sunt o bibilioteca “mobila” de zine, carti si alte materiale feministe si site-ul si blogul f.i.a..


Names of Producers/organizers/editors/creators: 
F.I.A. (fete/femei/feminism in actiune/activism) group
Timerange, Issue-nr, ...: 
2005-now, 2005 (zine #1), 2007 (zine #2)
Language of project: 
Romanian and English
Grassroots media in Europe
Networking & community building
Pop culture
Riot Grrrl