Illustration © Nikki McClure

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How do I register?
Simply go to „register“ and put in your username and password. Please consider the username you choose, as this will be the name displayed to the community. Please provide us also with information where you live, as this will be automatically entered into google maps and we can see where everyone comes from. It would also be great if you provide an image of you (however you like it to be)!

Why should I register?
You have more features as a registered user. You are able to list projects, upload images and to make and connect with friends in the community section.

How do I browse your listings?
You can either browse by main categories, or search by type and topic (on the lower right side).

How do I list my project? How do I know where (in which category) to list my project?
You go to Add! If you have a ongoing project, please list it under "Add to projects". If you have material (visual, audio, text, moving images, interactive, mixed) in regards to festivals, zines, and grassroots media in Europe, please go to "Add to digital archives". You will have to choose from three different archives U(currently, we are expanding this section) 1. Festivals: Ladyfest & Queer-Feminist, 2. Grassroots Media in Europe and 3. Zines. If you have conducted an interview, please go to "Add to interview". If there are books, articles, teaching materials, how-to guides, funding, or any research projects you'd like to list, please go to "Add to resources".

How do I upload images and documentation on a zine I published (or a ladyfest we organized)?
When you go to the Add! field you can select "Add to digital archives". In the entry form you will find fields to upload your materials.

What is the max. file size and what kind of files can I upload?
Maximum Filesize: 15 MB
Allowed Extensions for image files: jpg jpeg png gif
However, there can be any other files uploaded under "files" (audio, text, pdf etc.)

How do I search for projects? For example, I want to know if there are any zines in Peru, or I’d like to know more about zines on the topic of self-defense?
You can search by keyword or conduct an advanced search. In the advanced search, you can combine keywords with any listings on the site. You should be able to find your queries!

How can I make changes on my listed project?
Simply click on the project listing, and go to edit, and delete. You can only delete the listing, if you have listed it yourself, otherwise please write us an email! elke [dot] zoblatsbg [dot] ac [dot] at

If you have any further questions, please email us! Thanks!