Second Annual Feminist Art History Conference 2011 (Washington D.C., November 4-5, 2011; CfP Deadline: May 15, 2011)
Second Annual
Free and open to the public at American University in Washington, DC.
Friday and Saturday
November 4 and 5
Keynote: Friday Evening
"The Future of Feminist Art History. Where have we come from, where are we going?"
Dr. Mary Sheriff, Professor, Art History, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
In planning:
Special panel on feminist art and museums
Sunday tour, led by curator Wanda Corn, of the exhibition Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories at the National Portrait Gallery
Call for Papers:
Please submit one-page single-spaced proposals on any topic of feminist interest in art history and/or visual studies with a 2-page curriculum vita
by May 15, 2011
via e-mail to bellowamerican [dot] edu, nbroude
american [dot] edu, butler
american [dot] edu, mgarrar
american [dot] edu, kunimoto
american [dot] edu, hlanga
american [dot] edu
Accepted proposals will be notified by June 15, 2011
Sponsored by the Art History Program, Department of Art,
College of Arts and Sciences at American University