Zine Fest! 2011 at Women's Library, London
(Blurb by Red Chidgey, organiser of Zine Fest! 2011)...
Zines are hand-made magazines made for love not money. Requiring few resources to self-publish - just a pen, a piece of paper, access to a photocopier - zines are made on the fringes of journalism, art systems, activist scenes, and bedroom cultures. Basically, they rock.
We're super happy to confirm the 4th Zine Fest! to be happening at The Women's Library, London.
The Women's Library has a growing zine collection, covering the 1970s to now, which was first donated by the Ladyfest London 2001 collective.
The Zine Fest! event in June aims to showcase feminist, queer and women's media projects, hold workshops and discussion spaces, bring together loads of zine makers and stalls, and make connections between different generations of feminist publishing.
The event is free and open to everyone. We hope to see you there!
Saturday 25th June 2011, 12pm-4pm, Free
The Women's Library, 25 Old Castle Street, London
Programme (tbc): Comic-Making 101, Survivor Zines, Stenciling, Feminist Media History Panel, Zine Tours, Shape & Situate Exhibition.
Contact: Red Chidgey, chidgeyrlsbu [dot] ac [dot] uk (http://feministmemory.wordpress.com/)
Stalls: Marching Stars ~ Princesa Pirata ~ Other Asias ~ Walrus Zines ~ Fat Quarter ~ Richochet! Richochet! ~ Cherry Bomb Comics ~ Pamflet ~ Storm in a Tea Cup ~ will xyz ~ Vampire Sushi ~ Angry Violist ~ Volume Magazine ~ Scale Trees ~ Jen Claptrap ~ Sarah Tea-Rex ~ Emma Jane Falconer
Documentation of past ZineFests!: http://www.myspace.com/zinefest/blog#!/zinefest/photos
Getting to the Women's Library: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomenslibrary/about/location.cfm
Accessibility info: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomenslibrary/about/access.cfm